About MC2 Adjustment Technic

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MC2 Adjustment is an effective and safe technique that works for all ages, has less of the scary popping and cracking, and is scientifically reliable. 


Traditional chiropractic moved the vertebrae to release tension on the nerve system which then allowed the body to function more normally. This MC2 approach, which corrects and tones nerve system imbalances directly often then corrects the structural distortions.


Rather than moving the bone to affect the nerve; we affect the nerve so that the muscles can then correct the bony misalignment. The result is no “cracking” sound. The Integrator instrumeņt is a powerful and potent way to make the adjustment/ correction in your spine, to allow pain to decrease and stimulate nerves to fire up and TURN ON again. We use the integrator without tension from twisting or pulling on spinal muscles so there is less resistance. It is the difference between us deciding where the bones “should” be and your body knows what is naturally right for you.


The adjustment’s benefit is in the stimulation and movements of the spine and spinal nerves. Good to know that the reason you feel better isn’t because you heard a loud ‘pop/crack” after the adjustment but because your nervous system can fire up and flow unimpeded! Ask us if you want more information about the integrator instrument or MC2 technique – we are enjoying the addition to our “toolbox” of ways to help YOU be healthier!